Sunday, August 07, 2011

Moving Out

I'm at my breaking point. I've come to the decision that I can't live here without being heavily medicated, killing someone, or killing myself. So, to avoid becoming addicted to pills, homicidal, or suicidal, I'm just going to move out. Why risk it? It's not worth it. Nothing is. Nothing is worth any of this. I can't stand being miserable in this shit hole while another place is just sitting there waiting for me to make it my home. This place isn't my home anymore. It's no longer a safe haven or sanctuary. It's become a place where I can't be comfortable. Where I can't stay for long periods of time without completely losing it. Where I can't be alone or have privacy or have anything that's mine. I can't do it anymore. I did it. I gave it a try. I tried to make it work. It's over. I'm done. I'm moving on. The only way to do that is move out and never look back. That's exactly wat I'm going to do. I'm done. These are not delirious thoughts. This is not coming from an angry place. I simply can not live here anymore. Not when there's another place where I can be happier. I'm going to sleep now. And when I wake up I'm leaving.