Monday, March 15, 2010

Back in Connection with the Rest of the World!

I'm not toally back in connection yet. Just a little. My laptop crashed :'[ So I'm using my mom's, which while is superior, I'm not allowed to use for joy(don't worry, I'm using InPrivate Browsing, the best invention evar!). But i'm gonna take a chance since she's off galavanting with her boyfriend[blech]. I'm supposed to be getting a new phone this Friday(a Blackberry) so I'll be officially back in connection with the world(yay!). It's so hard for me to not have a phone. It's unbelievable how simple things like a computer and phone make me completely disconnected AND murder my social life. Such a shame. I, as usual, have nothing going on in my life, I just wanted to let you know I'm not quite dead yet. Soooo, now that you know that, I'll leave it here. So, until the next time your cellphone breaks and you're forced to write a letter or use a *gasp* landline and wind up taking a ride on the not so wild side.

-L.H. ♥

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Complicated Relations.

I hate that relationships get so complicated. It makes me so turned off to love. I hate that things get complex when they should be simple. Emotions. They complicate EVERYTHING. It would be so much easier if emotions weren't involved and didn't have to be considered, but they do. Emotions wouldn't bother me so much if there was no such emotion as hurt or jealousy. Those are the emotions that kill me. I can deal with sadness or melancholy, even anger, but feeling hurt is the worst. Jealousy is just as bad because jealousy is followed by hurt. I don't know where this is coming from. Nothing really bad happened today. Besides sleep deprivation and hunger, I've been o.k. Maybe that is what's making me muddled. Maybe I need sleep and I'll be better. This blog was originally going to be about friendships and the different kinds of friends we have but I suddenly got kind of sad and wrote this. I'm totally going on a tangent here but does pulling out your eyelashes and eyebrows mean you have trichotillomania? I pull out my eyelashes and eyebrows all the time and people say it hurts but it doesn't hurt me. I like to do it. I like to pull out clumps of eyelashes. Nobody notices because I have long, thick, dark eyelashes but I pull them out all the time. I pull them out because they sometimes curl under when they grow and it hurts so I pull them out and it feels better. Alright, I'm gonna stop revealing my disorders and end this here. So until the next time you forget to take your meds and take a ride on the not so wild side.

-L.H. ♥

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Shame on me!

I realized on the bus today(random, I know) that in my post "Strange and Strangely Fabulous" I totally didn't mention the movies To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, The Birdcage, and Priscilla: Queen of the Nile. All absolutely fabulous movies that I absolutely adore. The fabness of the movies are obvious, what's fab-er than drag queens?! That's right, nothing! Anyway, I just had to rectify that egregious error(that's right, you love my awesome vocabulary). But I do want to end this post so abruptly. So I'll just mention that it's Spice Girls week in my life and I love the Powerpuff Girls and I guess that's it. I don't know if you can tell, but there's really nothing happening in my life which is the reason for these totally boring "about me" posts. I'm sorry my life isn't more exciting. I put my pants on one leg at a time and have no love ife sooo, what else can I really talk about? Anyway, until the next time you come back from your trip to the dark side of the moon and take a ride on the wild side.

-L.H ♥

(btw, if you didn't catch the Pink Floyd reference, we just can't be friends. AND watch the drag-tastic movies mentioned!)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Strange and Strangely Fabulous.

I love all things strange and fabulous. If it has that strangely fabulous factor(it's fab as fuck and you have no clue why), it's always my favourite thing ever. One of my favourite Strangely Fab things is the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show. Omg, I LOVE that movie! It's one of my top five favourite movies. It's so strange and nonsensical, yet so undeniably fabulous. I could watch it billions of times. It's just so amazing and unexpected. If you haven't seen it, you have to. Stop reading this blog, and watch it. The blog isn't going anywhere and isn't very interesting anyway, so go inject some fabulocity into your life and watch that movie! If you decided to stick around, that's ok, you can watch the movie after you read this post I guess. Another Fab thing I love is music. I love music. Of course the gay icons: Cher, Madonna, Elton John, George Michael, newly inducted Lady Gaga, and sooo many more, I listen to all the time, but I also love the little known underground type bands. They are super fabtastic. I'm also experiencing a British invasion at the moment. I'm loving all these new songs and artists and realizing that they're from the U.K.[ex: Ladyhawke, La Roux, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Duffy, V.V Brown, Corinne Bailey Rae etc.] Amazing. Well, I have to go finish homework and it's already 1O:54(you can crown me queen of the procrastinators) so I'll leave it here and get back atcha when you find yourself skipping 5th period to smoke outside the school and end up taking a ride on the not so wild side.

-L.H. ♥

Monday, March 01, 2010

Where did the time go?!

OMG IT'S MARCH! Another month gone by and I'm still stuck in this sad little place I call my life. Eh, it's not always so awful, in fact at times, it's even bearable. Frenchie(see Stupid Love.) makes a lot of things bearable. She's the bestest best friend in the whole world. We haven't been in the same school for two years and we're still best friends( that's amazing for me, after school ends, a new bff is usually found) and no one compares to her. NO ONE. She's the pasta sauce to my spaghetti, the underwire to my bra, and no one is a better friend. I found my inner drag queen because of her and I can let out my true fabulousness with her and we can be crazy and fabulous together. I can cover myself head to toe in glitter and run around singing "I will survive" at the top of my lungs and she would join me. I love her for that. And she isn't perfect, her life doesn't seem perfect, and she's got problems, I love her for that. I once had a best friend who seemed perfect and we stopped communication even though we were in the same school. She irritated me with her seemingly perfect life and I couldn't tolerate it so once I met Frenchie, it was kind of over(I know, not nice but what can you do?). All of the other friends I have are ok, but they aren't Frenchie. They would look at me like I were crazy if I let out my true inner drag queen( who I've named Posh), but she wouldn't, she would let out her true inner drag queen, and that's why this post is dedicated to her. Who knows where we'll be in 10 years, 2 years even, but I know that she makes days brighter now and she's a true best friend. Anyway, until the next time you take a wrong turn and end up taking a ride on the not so wild side.

-L.H. ♥
(btw, the pic is totally us as old badass broads in the future :D live fast and die young because Life is a Cabaret!)

Setting this caged bird free.

I just realized something. Wow will never be nothing more than a friend. Regardless of what we do, we'll never actually be "together". I don't want to be anything more than that. He's a total jerk actually. If I go out with someone he has to be more sensitive than him. He's too critical and he isn't very nice. So keeping him as just a friend is fine. So, no more obsessing, thinking about him constantly. I'm officially on free bird status. I'm an elusive butterfly, forever slipping away, as breezy as the wind. Life is too heavy. Someone has to be lighter than air. So I'm on lighter-than-air status. Officially. Yeah, I like that. I'm ok with being flighty and Holly Golightly-ish(before the writer, whose name I never remember). In other news, I discovered an awesome new band from Sweden called Those Dancing Days. They're totally upbeat Europop vibe I'm digging. It's very Austin Powers, happy-go-lucky, Hippie flowerpower and I love it. I hope they come to the U.S. I'd totally go to a show. They rock my socks. How I disovered them is pretty interesting. I was on flickr searching a pic for the "pic of the whatever"(see sidebar) and I saw a picture of them and got curious so I searched their music and totally fell in love with the sound. It puts me in a really good mood. So check out their Myspace page: They rock. I'm currently listening to Actionman by Those Dancing Days(it rocks your socks). So, until the next time you hang out on the wrong side of the tracks and take a ride on the not so wild side.

-L.H. ♥
(p.s. If you didn't get the Breakfast at Tiffany's reference, we can't be friends)