Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blogger Sucks because I Wrote This Post 16 Hours Ago!!!!!

I'm having a really hard time accepting that I can't have him. Everytime he mentions his girlfriend, my heart drops to the floor and smashes into a million tiny, sad pieces. I hate this. This is one of the most difficult things I've ever had to deal with. We would be perfect for each other I can't understand why he doesn't see it too. Well, he does, but there's nothing he can do about it, his lag is holding him back. It makes me want to cry. My mother isn't helping. She clearly likes him a lot and can tell I really like him. so she keeps saying that his girlfriend is imaginary. He was sort of helping me figure out how to get closer PS and he said (and I quote) "if I were single, I would've went out with you a long time ago". It's stuff like this that makes my life suck so freaking much. There always seem to be something in the way of something that may be positive in my life. I really want to cry. I just realized, I'm lovesick in the worst way possible. This has gone on for too long.