OMG IT'S MARCH! Another month gone by and I'm still stuck in this sad little place I call my life. Eh, it's not always so awful, in fact at times, it's even bearable. Frenchie(see Stupid Love.) makes a lot of things bearable. She's the bestest best friend in the whole world. We haven't been in the same school for two years and we're still best friends( that's amazing for me, after school ends, a new bff is usually found) and no one compares to her. NO ONE. She's the pasta sauce to my spaghetti, the underwire to my bra, and no one is a better friend. I found my inner drag queen because of her and I can let out my true fabulousness with her and we can be crazy and fabulous together. I can cover myself head to toe in glitter and run around singing "I will survive" at the top of my lungs and she would join me. I love her for that. And she isn't perfect, her life doesn't seem perfect, and she's got problems, I love her for that. I once had a best friend who seemed perfect and we stopped communication even though we were in the same school. She irritated me with her seemingly perfect life and I couldn't tolerate it so once I met Frenchie, it was kind of over(I know, not nice but what can you do?). All of the other friends I have are ok, but they aren't Frenchie. They would look at me like I were crazy if I let out my true inner drag queen( who I've named Posh), but she wouldn't, she would let out her true inner drag queen, and that's why this post is dedicated to her. Who knows where we'll be in 10 years, 2 years even, but I know that she makes days brighter now and she's a true best friend. Anyway, until the next time you take a wrong turn and end up taking a ride on the not so wild side.
-L.H. ♥
(btw, the pic is totally us as old badass broads in the future :D live fast and die young because Life is a Cabaret!)