I love all things strange and fabulous. If it has that strangely fabulous factor(it's fab as fuck and you have no clue why), it's always my favourite thing ever. One of my favourite Strangely Fab things is the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show. Omg, I LOVE that movie! It's one of my top five favourite movies. It's so strange and nonsensical, yet so undeniably fabulous. I could watch it billions of times. It's just so amazing and unexpected. If you haven't seen it, you have to. Stop reading this blog, and watch it. The blog isn't going anywhere and isn't very interesting anyway, so go inject some fabulocity into your life and watch that movie! If you decided to stick around, that's ok, you can watch the movie after you read this post I guess. Another Fab thing I love is music. I love music. Of course the gay icons: Cher, Madonna, Elton John, George Michael, newly inducted Lady Gaga, and sooo many more, I listen to all the time, but I also love the little known underground type bands. They are super fabtastic. I'm also experiencing a British invasion at the moment. I'm loving all these new songs and artists and realizing that they're from the U.K.[ex: Ladyhawke, La Roux, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Duffy, V.V Brown, Corinne Bailey Rae etc.] Amazing. Well, I have to go finish homework and it's already 1O:54(you can crown me queen of the procrastinators) so I'll leave it here and get back atcha when you find yourself skipping 5th period to smoke outside the school and end up taking a ride on the not so wild side.
-L.H. ♥