I realized on the bus today(random, I know) that in my post "Strange and Strangely Fabulous" I totally didn't mention the movies To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, The Birdcage, and Priscilla: Queen of the Nile. All absolutely fabulous movies that I absolutely adore. The fabness of the movies are obvious, what's fab-er than drag queens?! That's right, nothing! Anyway, I just had to rectify that egregious error(that's right, you love my awesome vocabulary). But I do want to end this post so abruptly. So I'll just mention that it's Spice Girls week in my life and I love the Powerpuff Girls and I guess that's it. I don't know if you can tell, but there's really nothing happening in my life which is the reason for these totally boring "about me" posts. I'm sorry my life isn't more exciting. I put my pants on one leg at a time and have no love ife sooo, what else can I really talk about? Anyway, until the next time you come back from your trip to the dark side of the moon and take a ride on the wild side.
-L.H ♥
(btw, if you didn't catch the Pink Floyd reference, we just can't be friends. AND watch the drag-tastic movies mentioned!)