I hate that relationships get so complicated. It makes me so turned off to love. I hate that things get complex when they should be simple. Emotions. They complicate EVERYTHING. It would be so much easier if emotions weren't involved and didn't have to be considered, but they do. Emotions wouldn't bother me so much if there was no such emotion as hurt or jealousy. Those are the emotions that kill me. I can deal with sadness or melancholy, even anger, but feeling hurt is the worst. Jealousy is just as bad because jealousy is followed by hurt. I don't know where this is coming from. Nothing really bad happened today. Besides sleep deprivation and hunger, I've been o.k. Maybe that is what's making me muddled. Maybe I need sleep and I'll be better. This blog was originally going to be about friendships and the different kinds of friends we have but I suddenly got kind of sad and wrote this. I'm totally going on a tangent here but does pulling out your eyelashes and eyebrows mean you have trichotillomania? I pull out my eyelashes and eyebrows all the time and people say it hurts but it doesn't hurt me. I like to do it. I like to pull out clumps of eyelashes. Nobody notices because I have long, thick, dark eyelashes but I pull them out all the time. I pull them out because they sometimes curl under when they grow and it hurts so I pull them out and it feels better. Alright, I'm gonna stop revealing my disorders and end this here. So until the next time you forget to take your meds and take a ride on the not so wild side.
-L.H. ♥