I'm not toally back in connection yet. Just a little. My laptop crashed :'[ So I'm using my mom's, which while is superior, I'm not allowed to use for joy(don't worry, I'm using InPrivate Browsing, the best invention evar!). But i'm gonna take a chance since she's off galavanting with her boyfriend[blech]. I'm supposed to be getting a new phone this Friday(a Blackberry) so I'll be officially back in connection with the world(yay!). It's so hard for me to not have a phone. It's unbelievable how simple things like a computer and phone make me completely disconnected AND murder my social life. Such a shame. I, as usual, have nothing going on in my life, I just wanted to let you know I'm not quite dead yet. Soooo, now that you know that, I'll leave it here. So, until the next time your cellphone breaks and you're forced to write a letter or use a *gasp* landline and wind up taking a ride on the not so wild side.
-L.H. ♥