Wow, it's been like forever. Well, if you haven't been reading my blog(and I know you haven't, I'm watching you) you should know it's a huge waste of time and it's been a while since I've updated it. I fell out of connection with the world for a while, but have no fear, I'm back. Well, quick update:
•I'm officially boyless.
•I'm in a band.
•Uhh. That's it.
Yeah, I'm still a loser. Wow is Oh-2-the-ver. If you don't know who Wow is, good for you, you have a life. Well, I've decided he's no longer worth my time. It's sad. We still talk and stuff but I've stopped obsessing and imagining us together. It doesn't make sense to. So, back to the drawing board. I know no one reads this blog but me but if one day, some total hottie I'm talking to finds this and is bored so they start reading, PLEASE STOP! Lol. Just kidding, no one is gonna read this. Well, I'm going to take a shower to I'll post another when I get back.