I just realized something. Wow will never be nothing more than a friend. Regardless of what we do, we'll never actually be "together". I don't want to be anything more than that. He's a total jerk actually. If I go out with someone he has to be more sensitive than him. He's too critical and he isn't very nice. So keeping him as just a friend is fine. So, no more obsessing, thinking about him constantly. I'm officially on free bird status. I'm an elusive butterfly, forever slipping away, as breezy as the wind. Life is too heavy. Someone has to be lighter than air. So I'm on lighter-than-air status. Officially. Yeah, I like that. I'm ok with being flighty and Holly Golightly-ish(before the writer, whose name I never remember). In other news, I discovered an awesome new band from Sweden called Those Dancing Days. They're totally upbeat Europop vibe I'm digging. It's very Austin Powers, happy-go-lucky, Hippie flowerpower and I love it. I hope they come to the U.S. I'd totally go to a show. They rock my socks. How I disovered them is pretty interesting. I was on flickr searching a pic for the "pic of the whatever"(see sidebar) and I saw a picture of them and got curious so I searched their music and totally fell in love with the sound. It puts me in a really good mood. So check out their Myspace page: myspace.com/thosedancingdays. They rock. I'm currently listening to Actionman by Those Dancing Days(it rocks your socks). So, until the next time you hang out on the wrong side of the tracks and take a ride on the not so wild side.
-L.H. ♥
(p.s. If you didn't get the Breakfast at Tiffany's reference, we can't be friends)