I was just in a very bad place. I got really angry and depressed and hateful. I hate going to that place but after a nice shower and singing, I'm waaay better. I'm gonna keep the title the same. I started writing this at 7:O7, stopped to take a shower and make brownies, then came back at 9:42. I should really be studying and doing homework, but I really don't feel like. I just got over the worst rage headache and It's still lingering so I'm gonna chill out before I do any real brain work. Even though it's already almost 10 o'clock. I was gonna do some online chat tutoring thing but it just creeped me out so I decided to blog instead(I know, my priorities are totally effed up). I haven't talked to Wow in like a whole day! My phone is half way alive, the charger wasn't working but now miraculously it is. So we talked, but we haven't talked since yesterday. *sigh* he makes me sigh. Ha. Alright, I'm gonna try to get something done so until the next time you camp out all night and take a ride on the not so wild side.
-L.H. ♥
(p.s. sorry if the title was misleading.)