Hello bored one still reading my blog and/or innocent one unaware of the grave risk your'e taking by reading this bloggarific blog(risks include: severe boredom, incredulous expression, loss of and hope, and in some cases, weight gain). I guess I should thank you for reading and you should get some sort of reward for continuing to read. I'm impressed. Well, I'll be helping you waste precious life by talking about dreams. Me and dreams have a love/hate relationship. Sometimes they enforce an intense crush I have and I like them because the dream was just so freaking sweet. But that can be bad thing because having a dream about me and the crush being together can give me false hope and make me delusional. That's never good. It makes me think there's a chance someone who I see in person will take an interest(if you read the last blog, remember that me and that guy never met but we like eachother, and I'm sure if we met in person first, he wouldn't like me, which was the last Blog's problem). Well, last night I had a dream like that. A totally yummy boy(that I've seen couple times, no I didn't invent him) was in my dream. It was awful because throughout the whole stupid dream I was like trying to get him to notice me(story of my life: hardly noticed or very noticed but not acknowledged) I was just behaving really odd. The whole dream was more like a nightmare really. I was embarrassing myself severly but I kept doing what I was doing. I don't remember the dream exactly but I know it was horrible. I'll forget about it soon enough but it's fresh on the mind since I woke up not too long ago. Anyway, the point is, sometimes dreams fucking suck to highest degree and sometimes they make me wke up smiling. I guess that's all for now. Maybe I'll write an actual dream one day and post it. It's hrd though becuse my dreams are so fucked up and bugged out that I don't even know how to organize it into coherent sentences. Alright well, thanks for wasting your life with my thoughts, until the next time you decide to take not so wild ride.
-L.H ♥
(btw, I'm aware some of my words are missing 'a'. It's because the dumbass 'A' key likes to stick and I type kind of fast when I'm rmbling so I don't feel like going back and pressing the key super hard , I don't find it all that neccessary anywy, you can still understnd the word.)
-L.H ♥
(btw, I'm aware some of my words are missing 'a'. It's because the dumbass 'A' key likes to stick and I type kind of fast when I'm rmbling so I don't feel like going back and pressing the key super hard , I don't find it all that neccessary anywy, you can still understnd the word.)