Alright,you pretty much know what I'm gonna say if you've been reading these blogs. If you haven't been reading them, you still have hope. Basically, all I really say is I can't believe you're taking the time to read this and you're welcome to leave, blahblahblah. So I've been going a bit blog crazy. I've written what 3? 4? something like that in two days(I know, I have zero life). I just have so many things I wanna say and my family and friends have tuned me out(I clearly talk entirely too much). So this is my new outlet. I've been song/music writing. I would be texting the guy from *sigh*(see first blog), but my cellphone is in CellPhoneHell so no texting for me. Dissapointing. But I guess creating something, even if it does suck, better than obsessing over every little thing he says(like I said, no life). Anyway, I've been writing. Yeah, I don't remember where I was going with this. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Oh, the reason this post is called what it's called is because I just finished playing the piano(I can't play, don't congratulate me yet) and my fingers were sore(Ithink I'm doing it wrong). I was trying to compose music for the song I was writing. It's not a very good song, but whatever. I'm running out of things to talk about. So, I'll stop. I'm amazed you got this far, it's quite impressive. So you're reward is my song of the day(which I didn't write), and it is: Amour Du Sol by Yelle( I'm listening to it now). It's dedicated to you☻ Well, until the next time you venture from the safety of your hidey hole and take a ride on the not so wild side.
-L.H ♥
-L.H ♥