Thursday, May 19, 2011
You Seem to Believe You Belong to Someone Else...
I was just in the middle of making History flashcards(I have an A in the class, but I know I'm going to be screwed next year because I don't actually KNOW anything) when I suddenly got really sad. I'm so relationship impaired. I haven't talked to one of my "best friends" in months and I haven't talked to the other since she didn't come to see me perform in front of people by myself for the first time and didn't bother asking me about it. The person I'm closest to right now is Darling and I have to censor myself because he's a guy(and to be honest, I don't completely trust him). I don't feel like I have anyone that I can really count on. And I'm starting to think PS likes someone else, or just doesn't like me period. The only reason I feel sad is I know in my heart that most likely, he doesn't like me. Why do I even care?? I'm wasting time feeling bad about people that obviously don't care about me and aren't going to help me be successful when I need to be working hard to get myself together and do good in school and succeed in life. In a little while, those people will be nothing more than a footnote. They'll be as important to me then as BFKAW is to me now(for lack of better example). I just can't wait to go to college and start over...