Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Totally Random.
Okay, so I know this is totally random and I'm SUCH a girl for this, but PS liked one of my photos on FB and I'm freaking out!!!I know it's totally no big deal, but I can't help feeling giddy. When I saw the notification I got those butterflies. But I am starting to question if I even really like him. I might have jumped the gun a bit. I mean, I've only actually hung out with him twice and even though I do think he's a cool person and he's funny and nice to hang out with and he might even like me, I'm starting to rethink whether or not I actually see him that way. This is off topic, but once we were going over this high overpass thing at a train station and idk if you know, but I'm afraid of heights, and he was close, so I held on to his bicep and he flexed his muscle. He also comforted me. Well, he said that if I fell from that height I wouldn't die. Haha. (And I might as well confess, I wasn't all that scared.) Idk, the bicep flexing, the comforting, what would you make of it? Because I don't know what to make of it. I guess I shouldn't think too hard about it. It probably means nothing. He said that he was "very superficial" so he probably doesn't or won't ever think of me that way. And it's okay because I'm not even sure if I think of him that way. Can you tell I'm confused? I am. Ugh. I'm getting a bit of a headache. I think it's time to end this post.