Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Better Than The Last...

Just decided to sleep on the couch again and blog about the guy I mentioned in the post "Just Cause It's Been A While" I think I spend enough time with him that he's worth blogging about by now. I mean, I spend pretty much everyday with him.. oh he just texted me *butterflies*. I hate that. Okay, so like I said before, he's super sweet. He is really charming. It's impossible not to like him. He's really funny; conversations between him and I aren't really conversations, they are him saying things and me hysterically laughing, stopping only to breathe or to respond. He's very attractive, too short, but he's attractive. He's super easy to talk to and never hesitates to give someone a compliment(like I said, super sweet). He does these little things that drive me absolutely crazy. And even though it isn't all that difficult to make me bonkers because I'm already bonkers, he does it without meaning to(or so I think, he could be doing everything on purpose, like my best friend suggested). Well, even if he is doing it on purpose, why?? Before I even start thinking about those possibilities, let's start with what he does. First of all, he keeps saying that I'm his favorite person, I'm the best, I'm awesome, my voice is sexy, etc. It makes me blush and that's just not cool. Secondly, he's very touchy, but in a totally noncreepy way. He sometimes gets really close when he's telling me a secret and once like grabbed the back of my neck and whispered in my ear( I know!! How the hell am I supposed to defend myself against that?!). Thirdly, he's a little cocky, but I like it. He exudes confidence and he's macho, but he's still a sweetheart. He is a man and knows it, but he doesn't go around sticking his chest out, challenging others to a fight, he doesn't have to. I find that incredibly sexy. My goodness, I started this post at 9:43, its 11:11(you can guess what I'm wishing for.. because I'm a bloody idiot). I'm gonna keep going, I'm on a path to self destruction, why stop now? Where was I? Oh yeah, the fourth thing about him that I really like, he seems really genuine and honest. Maybe I'm terrible at reading guys(I have been fooled before).. omg, I'm so dumb. He told me he was a great liar Okay, so scratch all that.. The (real) fourth thing about him that I really like is his body. I know, I know its very superficial of me, but he has the body type I like a guy to have. I won't describe it because that would be like revealing his identity, but I like it... moving on. The fifth thing he does that drives me crazy is he sets little traps for me. I can't really explain it. Shit. I like him. Damn it, I admitted it. Fuck. Why? I know it's only gonna end bad for me. He likes someone else. He's not over his ex. Like 3 other girls are into him(that I know of), all of whom are much prettier than me. I've already been scarred for life by heartbreak. I've dealt with too many a*holes why would he be any different? I need to focus on school. He definetely doesn't like me back, at least not in that way. Okay, I'm fine. Well, I'm not, but what choice to I have?? I'm starting to believe there is no soulmate for me. Maybe the idea that everyone has another half doesn't apply to me. I think I could be okay with that. Ugh, I'm PMSing, it's time for sleep.