Monday, January 31, 2011

What will people say when I'm gone?

I never really considered what people will say once I'm dead. Partly because I never really cared, partly because I'm too young to die. I've always just assumed no one will really care. It's not because of my self esteem or anything, it's just that when I've left places, nobody seemed to care. My stomach hurts. I don't  know. I'mprobably being dramatic. I keep thinking to myself that I don't need validation from others but it's a lie. I don't feel like I'm worth anything ifI there isn't someone telling or showing me that I am.  That's so pathetic.. Life is so dramatic for no reason. Well, My life is. My life isn't dramatic, I am. I hate myself. I hate who I am yet have no idea how to change. No one will love me because I don't love myself. Why would anyone love me? This blog is a waste.