Thursday, January 27, 2011


Every once in a while, I'll finish posting something meaningful and I decide to press the  next blog button. I've noticed something about these Blogspot blogs, they're all either in a foreign lanuage, nothing but photos of random things(btw, just because you take pics of the random shit in your boring life, that doesn't make you some amazing photographer), or written by a bored housewife chronicling the lives/life of her small child/children or family. I mean, thats cool and all but who gives a shit?? Idk, I just got weirded out by the blog called MilliganMania:All About The Milligans. This post is so hypocritical. All this blog is is my thoughts after something random or horrific happens to me. The fact that I press the nextblog  button is proof that I shouldn't be talking about anyone else's blog..
