Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Harder and Harder Everyday.
My lonliness is consuming me. I feel empty. My thoughts and fantasies make it worse. My lips are so painfully unkissed, my skin sadly untouched, and it's killing me. I was okay for a while. I was perfectly fine. Suddenly I can't stand anything about myself. My hair, my clothes, my nails, I loathe myself so deeply. I long for someone to be affectionate towards me. I really can't understand why I feel this way. I've never had a boyfriend. Boys don't look at me. At least not the ones I'm attracted to. Sometimes I think I'm okay and I feel pretty. Then something changes and I feel miserable. Right now I feel poor. I feel ugly. I feel lonely. I want to make out with somone, I want a tattoo, and I want to go to a concert. I need money for new jeans, make up, my hair, and a cool bike. *sigh* I can't wait for things to get better.I can't wait to go to college. I can't wait to do what I love for a living. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can show my new awesome friend the other song I wrote. I'll try to get through this. For now I need to get ready for school tomorrow.