Thursday, July 29, 2010

This is why I keep standards resonably low!

My birthday rocked so hard! My family came over for dee-lish food and my favorite cake and I had my own ice cream. I got everything I asked for AND I'm still waiting for more stuff and money! I know I'm happy as Idunnowah and it's creeping you out but I can't help it! I'm so excited! I'm waiting for 400 bucks and a laptop which will both arrive in Agosto*! This birthday was one of my favorites. This summer isn't so horrid either. I had a job but it completely fell through :T. No worries though. In August I'm going to Maryland and there's a job babysitting waiting for me there(I might have mentioned it). So things are going well(are you as shocked as I). Well, I'm sleepy so I'm going to go eat a snickers and crash somewhere. Thnx for reading and stay FAB!:)
-L.H. ♥
*espaƱol for August!
P.S who else is watching Project Runway tonight!(so essited!)