I realized today that the Boy Formerly Known As Wow(BFKAW) totally turned me off to love. I somehow became more cynical and pessimistic simply by talking to him. He made me hate love. I didn't think that was possible but it is. I was so scared I was gonna get crushed that I became as anti-love as him. I'm never gonna let that happen again. I love to love(I might of mentioned that). I love love. I love romance. He made me believe that all guys were like him. When I think of it now, he sucked. He won't ever change. I was so desperate to love that I was willing to stop believing in it. I'm done with that. You should be proud of me. I am. I'm gonna find someone loyal reader(I know you're out there, whether you're willing to admit it or not) I'm destined for big things. I can feel it. And I'm going to have the love I deserve. I don't mind waiting. It'll be hard and the wait will depress the shit out of me, but I know it'll be worth it. Love is always worth it. Don't lose faith in love loyal reader. Someone loves you. If you don't believe that, then believe I love you. I mean that. Maybe I sound crazy, but if you're willing to read my psycho thoughts, you deserve to be loved. Haha. Ok, well I just thought I'd share my epiphany. Thnx for reading and stay FAB:)
-L.H. ♥
[p.s. I also realized that he was a filthy whore and was teling me the same things he was other girls which of course, makes me feel like shit. But I'm over it... I think.]
-L.H. ♥
[p.s. I also realized that he was a filthy whore and was teling me the same things he was other girls which of course, makes me feel like shit. But I'm over it... I think.]