I've wanted to be a lot of different things since I was little. What I really wanted to be for a loong time was a veterinarian. I love animals and wanted to help them, but then I found out that you sometimes have to put them down and I can't handle that. Plus I suck at science. I've also wanted to be a meteorologist, astronaut, actress, fashion designer and model. I've changed my mind a bunch of times and I'll probably change it again but right at this moment, I want to be a photographer, director, and nightclub owner. I REALLY want to go to Eugene Lang College or one of the New Schools. I'm not getting my hopes up though. I wouldn't mind going to a school for film or business though. I think what I really want to be is famous. I want fame, friends, money, love, and a fabulous apartment. I want to live among fabulous people and have fun all the time. I want my job to be fun and I want to interact with open minded fabulous people. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm obsessed with fabulous. I don't exactly hide it. This is totally unrelated but I'm in desperate need of make-up and nail polish. Well, I can't keep my eyes open to I'm going to sleep. Thnx for reading, stay FAB!:)
L.H. ♥
L.H. ♥