Monday, September 05, 2011


And I mean it this time. He's a fucking dirty slut. He can kiss my muthafuckin ass. I don't deserve to be treated the way he treats me. So I deleted him for the last fucking time. Fuck him. And this time, I mean that shit. I'm so done with this shit. I don't deserve it and I don't have to deal with it. It's not worth my time or it energy. Right about now, I feel like giving up on guys. They're obviously not interested in me and the ones that I've wasted my time with have ruined it for me. So, I give up. Fuck this shit. It sucks and isn't worth the trouble it causes. I wish for once someone would change how I feel. I wish someone would make me believe that it's not all bad and all this frustration and anger was worth something. I just want to take back the time I wasted. And the blissful ignorance I once had. I just want to be loved. I just want to feel like I'm not ugly. I feel ugly and worthless. I feel like no one will ever find me attractive or love me. No one will ever think I'm worth the trouble. I give up. What's the point? I think I'm great so fuck what everyone else thinks. I'm the muthafuckin shit and I love myself. That's all I fucking need.