Okay, Weekend Four: I was depressed for
Now for Weekend Five: technically it's still in progress, but whatever. It was AWESOME. On Friday, I got the email from one of my favorite clothing stores saying that I could come in for an Open Interview. On Saturday, I got a haircut. I don't know why I was freaking out about it, I look way hot ;D. I feel more sophisticated, model-like, and confident. Later on, I went shopping for the perfect interview outfit. I pretty much found it. It's simple, yet stylish and trendy, without being desperate. Hopefully, I get a great pair of boots tomorrow(well, later) to make the outfit 100X better. Today(or yesterday, whatever) I slept a looong time. It was an über nap. I really needed it though. Anyway, overall this weekened was great. It seems to be a pattern, one weekend sucks, the next is way better...odd. Oh well, it wouldn't be normal for me if it wasn't like that. Please, oh please let me get that job!!! I feel like, I want it sooo bad that there's no way I WON'T get it. Please, let that be true. I want this job so bad.